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Dishonored 2 grand serkonan guard01


大卫队(Grand Guard),又被称为索科诺斯大卫队(Grand Serkonan Guard),它和索科诺斯岛上的其他团体一起充当着军队和城市守卫的作用,扮演着类似于宪兵队的角色。警卫(The Guard)与大卫队和库雷若管理员(Stewards of Cullero)之间有着联系,这三者承担着保护索科诺斯岛的任务[1]。大卫队负责执行许多不同的任务,如犯罪调查、处理血蝇(Bloodfly)问题、保护重要人物和地点以及担任港口警卫等等。除此之外还有一些值得注意的单位,包括“公爵第一亲卫队”(First Attachment to the Duke),作为索科诺斯公爵的私人卫队,由公爵亲自选定的指挥官领导。此外还有“皇宫城市巡逻队”(Palace Civic Patrol),他们守卫着皇宫区和通往大皇宫的唯一陆路。大卫队内部还设有一个名为“技术办公室”(Technical Office)的部门,他们负责管理风力机发条战士等高科技设备,以及向其他部队发放技术手册。




菁英守卫(Elite Guards):他们是大卫队中的军官,会被分配去指挥区域。菁英守卫在使用他们自己的刀和手枪方面训练有素。与普通守卫不同的是,他们在米色裤子的上面穿着的是红色夹克,并会佩戴有银色头盔和佩有银色带扣的白色腰带。菁英守卫的军衔包括上尉和少校。




  • "该死,我需要小便。"
  • "Dammit. I need to pee."
  • "What am I? Like a stocking without a leg. That's what. Nothing. Worse than nothing."
  • "Something stinks around here. It's not my job to clean up."
  • “啊,我饿昏了。”
  • "Huh, I'm hungry."
  • "Dear stomach, I have received your request, and agree that dinnertime cannot come quickly enough. Unfortunately, we are still on duty. I will get back to you if I hear anything more, sincerely, me."
  • "Settle down stomach. Dinner will be in you shortly."
  • "That tasted awful. That weren't no blue-jawed hagfish. River krust is more likely."
  • "It's blood ox stew tonight. Starving."
  • "Martha won't you marry me? Twelve weeks have I been at sea. Chasing monsters in the brine. Dancing hagfish on the line. Martha won't you marry me? Twelve weeks have I been at sea."
  • "There once was a man from Old Lamprow, whose cockle was as wee as a minnow, he tugged on it nightly, then ever so slightly, it grew to be large as a Narwhal."
  • "A, b, c, d, e and g, hay chi, j, k, elementally. Q arrest, you and v. Double v, x, wise and z. Now I got my a's and z's, tells me what you think of me."
  • "Can I read? ‘Course I can read! What's he think? I'm stupid? I know all my letters and then some."
  • "So if I have two, and I give him one, I still gots me one, but then if I eat it, no, if he eats it, then what?"
  • "Air feels heavy. Hard to get a good lung full."
  • "Ahgh! I hate this wool. It itches like mad. Why can't I wear my regular clothes?"
  • "This shirt reeks. I've got to get a spare uniform."
  • "Isn't it laundry day yet? Gotta be soon. Can't stand my own stench."
  • "More bad things have happened here in the last five years than in all the years of my life before that. I know that much."
  • "I've got to get back to Dunwall. I feel so bad. Haven't seen the kids in two years."
  • "Did I close my locker before coming out? Last time I left it open, someone left a hagfish in my jacket pocket."
  • "Wait ‘til he puts on those boots. Sees the surprise I left for him. Idiot."
  • "Tsk. Sure, he knows how to talk with the boss. What a lick-spittle."
  • "Put in a request for new boots, and what'd I get? A sock. One useless sock."
  • "Maybe I should just work a double shift. So I don't have to listen to him tell me about how good it was under the Duke's father."
  • "Two more months, she says. Then she'll leave him. I can wait."
  • "Gotta keep my mind on my duties. Forget about that kiss. Hmm. That kiss…"
  • "If only something would happen around here. Doesn't have to be a circus. Just some little bit of excitement once in a while. "
  • "What wouldn't I give for a bottle of pear soda."
  • "Kinda dry. Could really go for a whiskey or something. Maybe one of them two-penny drinks."
  • "I always get these shifts. I'd bet a week's wages this is the worst assignment."
  • "I just have to finish my shift. Then I can go home. Put my feet up."
  • "Getting so one can't even breathe no more."
  • "One night at the baudy house. One night. Now I'm covered in shankers."
  • "I hope they accept my transfer. I've got to get over to one of the other districts."
  • "At least I'm working in the good part of town now." (In [pper Cyria District)


  • "Worst assignment ever. Nothing ever happens."
  • "Smells like piss. What a dump."
  • Who's she to say I didn't deserve the promotion? She wouldn't know a promotion if it hit her in the head. In fact maybe that's just what she needs."
  • "How many more hours of this? If I had a timepiece I'd know. I'm gonna guess, what, three? Yeah, about three more hours."
  • "Oh, the look on his face. Well, who was he expecting? The Empress? What a fool."
  • "Ho, my. Is that my breath I'm smelling? Maybe my teeth are due for their monthly cleaning."
  • "They can rot in the Void for all I care. I've got enough to worry about without their constant complaining."
  • "I met a girl from Morley, our love ended poorly. I spied a lass from Gristol, t'was good I had my pistol. Then I met a lady from Tyvia-a-a! Something and something and happy-a–a-a!"
  • "Why would he say that? It makes no sense. Anyway, I'm not the one who did the kissing."
  • "Not worth a thing. You can tell he's no good. Just by looking at his shoes."
  • "Filthy air. Disgusting. Can't be good for you."
  • "It's funny to think about, but she could be reading the letter right now. Thinking about me, right now."
  • "Working for the Duke's not so bad. As long as you're Grand Guard. I'd hate to be anybody else right now."
  • "He never earned those medals. I'm twice the soldier he is. Someone should say something."
  • "I told them he was too skinny. Told them he wouldn't last a day. Poor kid. Why do I always have to be right?"
  • "Isn't it dinner time yet? A man could starve on this shift."
  • "I do think the officers should get extra rations. We work harder. And we come from better families. I should think that's just obvious."
  • "An entire shipment of whale oil tanks, just gone. Taken right from under their noses. Idiots."


  • "I definitely heard something. Better check."
  • "So let's see. What was it?"
  • "I don't like that. Better have a look."
  • "She's been stabbed." (detecting a body)
  • "What?! Somebody's down." (detecting a body)


  • “我可没拿那心情,快给我出来!”
  • "I'm not in the mood! Show yourself!"
  • “来瞧瞧看。”
  • "Let's have a look."
  • “什么也没有?再四处看看好了。”
  • "Nothing here? Let's have a look around."
  • 不要让我把整个地方都搜一遍,我可没那时间。“”
  • "Don't make me search the whole place, I don't have time for that."


  • "下回我会找到她|他的..."
  • "I'll get her/him next time..."


  • “该死的!”
  • "I'll be damned!!"
  • "什么?站住!"
  • "What the? Stop!"
  • “我靠!”
  • "Holy shit!!"
  • “喂,你觉得自己再去哪?”
  • "Hey, where do you think you're going?!"


  • "You aren't going anywhere!"
  • "Come on, let's finish this!"
  • "Withdraw from this area at once!"
  • "毫不留情!"
  • "No mercy!"
  • "I've been fighting scum like you since I put on the uniform!"
  • "Wait for my signal!"
  • "She/He's wounded! Let's finish her/him!" (when the protagonist is at critical health)
  • "I'll be telling this story at the officers' club later!" (officers only)
  • "Nooo!!" (when an ally is killed)
  • "Captain!!" (when an officer is killed)


  • "什么!这怎么可能"
  • "Wait! This isn't-"
  • "不可能!!"
  • "Impossible!!"


  • "我可不想死啊!"
  • "I-I don't wanna die!!"


  • 科尔沃·阿塔诺早年在索科诺斯大卫队里担任军官,“表现了出惊人的天赋”[2]
  • 预告片中的卫兵模型由Hasan Bajramovic为Blur Stuidos的所做[3]
  • 索科诺斯大卫队中男兵女兵皆有[4]


